Gstaad Festival Orchestra
Biel Biel, Switzerland, SwitzerlandBeethoven, Haas
Beethoven, Haas
Beethoven, Haas
Beethoven, Tchaikovsky
Barnastund Sinfóníunnar
Tónskáldið er dautt!
Tónskáldið er dautt!
Boulez, Dvořák
Peter and the Wolf
Define Festival
Mozart, Stravinsky, Dukas
program tba
program tba
program tba
European Film Awards
Dark Music Days Festival
Dvořák, Symphony 8
Dvořák, Symphony 8
Mendelssohn, Smyth, Haydn
Mozart - Piano Concerto no.23 Beamish - Variations on a theme of Benjamin Britten Beethoven - Symphony no.8